saturday was a beautiful and sunny day, so we started it off with breakfast by the pool. after eating, we made our way back over to the strip to do a little shopping at fashion show mall. by noon we were both tired, and heading back to the hotel to lay by the pool sounded like the best idea ever.
while laying by the pool, kendrick mentioned that he was gong to grab us a couple of virgin daiquiris from the bar. he returned ten minutes later with a slushee in a three foot tall cup, because apparently, he's always wanted one? hahaha, cutest husband ever.
after laying out for a few hours, we decided to do something a little different and drove out to the seven magic mountains. while it was a pretty view to see those vivid colors against the brown dirt, it was not exactly a vegas "must see", in my opinion. after five minutes had passed, ken and i looked at each other and were like, "so.... let's go?"
we ended the night in downtown vegas at the el cortez, our favorite place to gamble (five dollar black jack, anyone?!) i don't usually gamble becaues i have so much fun watching kendrick, as he's awesome at roulette and black jack.
kendrick started black jack with thirty dollars, and for the next hour, he stayed around that same amount (he'd get down to ten, work his way up to fourty, go back down to twenty, and so on and so forth). my legs were getting super tired, so i asked kendrick if i could go sit somewhere else, and he was like "why don't you just sit here and gamble, and i'll help you out!" well, long story short, i was up a hundred dollars in the span of fifteen minutes, and then cashed out soon after that. beginners luck, maybe? haha
the next morning was easter sunday, and we spent it in a car driving back to salt lake. once in mesquite, we pulled over to a chapel to attend church and take the sacrament.
so grateful for the sunny weekend that i was able to share with my husband, and my savior that has made it so we can be a family forever.
happy easter!