I've been thinking back on our 2015 and am filled with nothing but gratitude. kendrick and i have been incredibly blessed this past year and are so grateful for the opportunities, memories, and new friendships that have come our way.
this year, we...
we started the year off with a trip to montana for some snowmobiling with family.
we were able to celebrate our good friend's birthday in las vegas.
we took a road trip to seattle, which ended up being one of my favorite vacations to date.
we celebrated our one year anniversary in california, making a mandatory stop at disneyland
...got new jobs/promotions!
I started the year working as a front desk receptionist for healthequity. in may, I was promoted to an executive assistant for the svp of member services. currently, I am working as an assistant for the executive vp of operations.
kendrick started the year out at captioncall, but transitioned over to cardon outreach as a patient advocate. he finally found his ideal job in september as a medical research assistant at pra health sciences. he excelled in his position, and was quickly offered a promotion in december.
...added to our family!
no, we did not have a baby this year, but we did gain two sisters-in-law (jade and karissa), and two nieces and a nephew (myla, olive, and aiden)
...got our own place!
our original plan was to buy a home this year, but not knowing if we'd be living in utah much longer for kendrick's schooling, we decided to go the apartment route. we are currently at a one-bedroom apartment on the midvale/sandy border, and we absolutely love it.
a pretty good year, right? we both feel so lucky to be in jobs that we love, in a place that feels like home, and overall, with each other.
and now the fun part, next year's resolutions:
- attend the temple once a month
we were actually quite good this past year (pat on the back), and only missed two months. so next year, we aren't missing any.
- pressing forward in school
kendrick is getting closer to his degree, and i'm committing myself to start going again!
- be healthy
I'm not going to do the cliche thing and commit to going to the gym four times a week, because I know that will not happen. however, you got to start somewhere.. so we are going to work on eating healthier. maybe that will mean stocking our fridge with fresh produce and vegis... maybe it will just mean no more late-night runs to wendy's... it's too soon to say.
- travel
we want to go to some new places! so far, canada is a candidate. we were thinking europe, but just the planning stages stressed me out. maybe in two years?
- church attendance
staying for all three hours of church seems to be a never ending challenge for us, and we are committing ourselves to being better this year! who knows, maybe our church time now being eleven will help...
- giving back
we've frequently discussed wanting to get involved in more charity work, whether that be donating items to a shelter or volunteering at a soup kitchen, I think 2016 is the time to make it happen!
- being content
this one is more personally for me, as I find myself often comparing myself to others or wishing for more items to fill my home or closet with. I want to work on being content with myself, my belongings, and all other components in my life that I'm so incredibly lucky to have.
cheers to a happy and healthy 2016!