Saturday, July 5, 2014

carnivals and sparklers

happy fourth of july! well… technically the fifth now. yesterday was such an amazing and fun day, and as I was scrolling through the pictures this morning I thought to myself, why on earth am I not recording any of this? why haven't I been keeping any kind of record of what my life has been like lately? there are so many wonderful things happening to me, and so many greater things in store, and I would love to have a record somewhere of all that lead up to it.

this weekend started off with kendrick and I anxiously waiting to get off work to head off to richfield. It was a three day weekend, with the fourth being a friday, and we couldn't wait to pack up the car, turn on some country music, and get on the road.
the first night in richfield was basically a preview of what was to come. we sat on the lawn as incredible fireworks were shot up from the street, lighting up the sky. my parents and harmony and jeff showed up around ten at night, so they enjoyed some fireworks as well. this was keegan's first pyromaniac experience, and he didn't seem too sure about the whole thing (and his poor little ears could barely handle all the noise).

friday the fourth was a crazy day, to say the least. it started at eight in the morning with a delicious breakfast at grandma saundra's house. danny and wendy's family and chris showed up just in time for some tasty homemade bran muffins and breakfast casserole goodness. it was so much fun having my entire family join us in richfield! the annual richfield parade started right after, so we all quickly made our way over to main street. goodness, it was a hot day! as floats and cars drove by, candy was tossed out to the crowds. with shopping bags in hand, boston and lincoln rushed to the front to grab as many pieces as they could get their little hands on.

a carnival/fair followed the parade and was held at the city park. I could not believe how many people were there! kendrick and jeff got in line to toss ping pong balls into small tin cans, in hopes to win a baby frog, or just for the satisfaction of making the shot. jeff didn't make any in, but kendrick proudly walked away with winning one frog. (in the end, he actually ended up walking away with a small cage, two frogs, and food- all for the price of ten dollars. yes, I'm dating a twelve year old.)
aaron was anxious to hit some baseballs, so the fair was followed by a family home run derby. apparently everyone was having an off-day, because in those two hours, kendrick was the only one that had a home-run (danny didn't seem so pleased with that.)

by this time of day, I wasn't feeling so good, and the cold that I had been struggling with was turning into a full-on head cold. after grabbing some ice cream at the dairy with everyone, kendrick and I settled down for a nice nap. and oh was it needed! an hour later we woke up as headed out back for the huge family bbq! by this time, it was starting to get dark outside, so we all headed out front to watch some street fireworks. the rest of this night basically went like this: fireworks, friends, fireworks, food, fireworks, family, fireworks, fun, oh… and more fireworks. let's just say kendrick's dad puts on one heck of a show, I've never seen anything like it.
today we are all suffering from a firework hangover. kendrick and I are relaxing under the shade of a tree, gearing up for a day of hiking and helping his parents with a few catering gigs.

until next time!

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