Friday, August 8, 2014

Two years down

This weekend has been great so far! I took work off yesterday and today, making this a wonderful 4 day weekend.
I spent the day cleaning my parents house yesterday, and then that night we went to a Bees game for Kendrick's work. Seeing that Kendrick and I used to work at the same place (and met there) it was so much fun to see all of my old co workers. And I definitely didn't mind showing them all my beautiful ring… ;)
We slept at Kendrick's grandmas house because we had to wake up early the next day for Aaron's graduation in Idaho! After meeting up with Chris, we got on the road. It wasn't too bad of a ride, only about 2 and a half hours.
I've officially decided that graduations should only include passing out diplomas. All the motivational speeches and high school reunion type videos- overrated. If it weren't for some snacks and Kendrick's iPad, I may not have survived.
But in all seriousness, I am so proud of my older brother for all that he's accomplished. He has been such a strong example of persistence and having the drive to get to where he wants to in life, despite the sacrifices required. Moving to Idaho for two years, being away from Nicole and Zoey for weeks at a time, and 712 days of constant studying couldn't have been easy, but he had the drive and the passion to do it, and so he did it. Also kudos to my fantastic sister-in-law Nicole! Her support, love, and motivation that she has given Aaron has been nothing short of amazing and I know a large chunk of his success is due to her.
Congratulations, Airhead and Nikki Lynn!

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