Saturday, October 11, 2014

From Ms to Mrs...

After two weeks of being married, I feel as if things are finally settling down a bit, giving me the chance to write about that wonderful day!

Luckily, I took off work the day before the wedding, giving me the perfect amount of time to get things ready. The best thing about this day was how calm and at peace I felt. I knew that the next day was going to be one of the biggest days of my life, but I couldn't have felt more confident and content about my decision to marry my best friend! 

The next morning was a rush as I woke up at 6 AM and tiredly drove to my make-up appointment. One hour later, and I was driving back home as fast as could to get my hair done by Harmony. While she pinned and curled, I worked on wiping off some of my eye make up as nicely as I could. The artist got a bit eyeliner happy and I was feeling like the mirror image of my 8th grade self.

I couldn't have been happier with how my hair turned out! Sometimes I wonder why Harmony didn't go into cosmetology, she definitely has a touch. After putting on the darling white dress that my mom made me, and making sure I had everything I needed, I was off to the temple with my parents! I couldn't stop smiling the whole way there. Was this really the day?! Was I really getting married in just 2 short hours?!

We lucked out and got gorgeous weather that day, and the temple was practically glowing from the sun as we were driving up to it. My mom and I quickly got out of the car while my dad parked, and we walked to the temple waiting room to get checked in. I was expecting to see Kendrick as we walked in, but there was no sign of him. 15 minutes later, still no sign! One of the temple helpers joked about him being a no-show (too soon lady, too soon.) But around 8:50 on the dot, and Kendrick came in looking as handsome as ever. (Funny story- turns out that we didn't need to be at the temple until 8:50- Kendrick just knows all too well that I have a habit of being late for everything all.the.time, so he told me that we had to be at the temple at 8:30. So that if I were to be late, I'd still have some wiggle room. Well played babe, well played.)

The next two hours were two of the best hours of my life. Kendrick and I got to spend some time alone before we headed into our sealing, and those were 20 minutes that I'll cherish forever. The sealing was beautiful and the spirit was so strong, and I couldn't help but smile the whole way through. But nothing- nothing-  could ever beat the feeling that I got when it was announced that Kendrick and I were officially man and wife. I have never felt so much peace, love, and joy all in one second, and if I could relive that moment over and over, I would.

After the sealing, Harmony met me in the dressing room, and helped me slip into my wedding dress and fix my hair (this was probably her 6th time buttoning up the back of my dress, bless her heart). Then, I met Kendrick outside, and we held hands and walked outside the temple to greet our families and friends.

The next hour was a blur as we attempted to get as many pictures as we could with our photographer, which wasn't an easy task with such a large group on such a busy day at the temple. But luckily we had an amazing photographer, and I cannot wait to get those pictures back!

Our wedding luncheon was at the Lion House where we had fresh fruit and the most delicious creme brulee french toast! After eating, everyone around the room gave us toasts and  advice, and it was so much fun being able to just sit back and enjoy every second of it.
I love my husband! (oh, that feels good.)

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