no, i'm not referring to the infamous ball drop in new york city at the end of each year. i'm talkin' about the highly anticipated game at nickle mania that is just as addictive, if not more, than cocaine (not speaking from experience)
this is how we spent our friday night- a group of twenty-four-and-up year olds (and a newly 16 year old), hovered around an arcade game, cheering and fist pumping each time the button was pushed just in time for the ball to drop smoothly into the hole. I think total, we scored around three thousand tickets off that game alone- and don't even ask how many nickels it took to get there... (but can you think of a more fun way to spend money?)
kendrick celebrating after one of his victories.
my game of choice is those nickel slots that you slip your coin in, causing it to push the other nickels forward, and a certain amount of tickets is awarded depending on how many coins fall over the edge. this game is vigorously addicting, and kendrick says watching me play it gives him a glimpse of my future as an old lady in vegas fixated with the penny slots. I sure married a charmer, huh?
it was such a fun night acting like twelve year olds and spending half our life savings in nickels. but i mean, priorities, right?
keep em' coming.
here's to many more night that make me wish I was in middle school again.
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