we woke up on saturday morning feeling drained from all the sun we had the previous day, but anxious to get out of the hotel and explore. our first stop was a small shopping district, where i found a cute little crepe and gelato shop. i treated myself to a strawberry, cream, and chocolate drizzled crepe (healthy, oh so healthy). for kendrick, we found a sea food shop nearby, and he ordered some mouthwatering marlin (i don't usually do seafood, but marlin, i most definitely can do).
after our brunch, kendrick found some comfortable benches while i did a little shopping. once i was finished, i decided to join him. it was then that i had the wonderful idea of taking advantage of our beautiful surroundings, and putting our self-timer to work for another picture. I strategically propped kendrick's backpack up on the bench across from him, and set my phone on top of it, making sure that the picture was in focus and even. finally, i set the self timer and was about to make my way over to sit by Kendrick for the picture when... a nice old man came a plopped right down. hahahaha.
i just love kendrick's confused face as he tried so hard not to laugh.
yep, still laughing.
we then took a lyft (just like uber, but since we made a new account, we had lots of free rides to redeem!) over to del amo fashion center, which was a super nice mall. the first thing i saw when i walked in was kate spade, which in my opinion is just one of the best sites. and of course, i had kendrick take my picture with it. it's tradition.
while we were at the mall we discovered a car rental service attached to the sears. while taking uber and lyft the past day was all sorts of fun, we decided it would be easier to have a car for the last day. and luckily, there was a cheap rate and it was a done deal!
after the mall, we headed out to newport beach for one last look at the ocean. i absolutely love newport beach- it may just be because that's where the show the o.c. took place, and i feel a weird sense of nostalgia being there- but either was, it really is gorgeous. we walked the pier for a bit and took a few pictures.
and the most handsome husband award goes to...
again with the palm tree pictures. #cantstopwontstop
after we got our beach fix, we drove to our next hotel in anaheim, which was about an hour away. the hotel ended up being in the perfect location, as we had tickets to an angels game that night, and you could honestly see the stadium from our hotel room. after changing into some slightly warmer clothes, we walked the short distance over to the stadium (which also meant not having to deal with parking, score).
when we first got to the stadium, we asked a man to take a picture of us, which turned out like this:
#blurry and hello, kendrick's awkward left arm!
so naturally, we found someone else to take a picture.. who ended up being a slightly intoxicated blonde girl, who was chugging some pregame drinks with her friend (yeah, not the best choice of a photographer on my part.)
anyways, here is the picture of us in front of the stadium that she took:
oh, that's right. she didn't take one! haha she was honestly so drunk, that she held up my phone as if she was taking one, but must have missed the button. #fail
then, she asked us to move over to get a picture next to the big hat:
just tilt your head a little bit, it will look better, i promise.
and lastly, she told us about the "perfect" photo opp, where you take a selfie with the hat behind you, and its supposed to look like the hat is on your head.
nope, didn't work. kendrick still looks quite hat-less here.
we decided to give up on trying to get a decent picture in front of the stadium, and headed in to find our seats (after buying kendrick a new baseball hat in the gift shop, of course! #tradition)
finally, a picture i like!
the game was a blast- filled with nachos, hot dogs, and all the dipping dots you could ever want or need. sadly, the angels lost... but let's be honest, i was just there for the food.
the game ended with some fireworks, which not only topped off our day but our whole trip, as were were flying back out to salt lake the next day.
now, we're just counting down to our hawaii trip in.... 84 days!!!!! please come faster.
love me some beach time with the cutest guy i know.