Tuesday, June 7, 2016

the glory days

in honor of my six year anniversary from graduating high school (yes, SIX), i've been reminiscing back to those glory days. i've really been giving plenty of thought as to what i wish i would have known, and what i wish i would have done differently (you know, basically, everything).

1. eyeliner is not your friend. i have no earthly idea as to why i was so inspired to look like a raccoon for four straight years of my life, but i have plenty of cringe-worthy pictures because of it.

2. ap classes. i am so, so jealous of anyone who knocked out college-level classes in high school. i can't even fathom how much money that could have saved me.... and i'll continue kicking myself over it for years to come.

3. two words: purple shampoo. i'm pretty sure my bleach blonde hair resembled a lemon head for about two years... it could have definitely used lots and lots of purple shampoo toning lovin'.

4. build friendships that last. i'll admit that i didn't fall into the best group of friends (specifically in my last two years of high school), and i really wish I was more cautious about who i let into my life. needless to say, i learned a lot about what attributes make a true friend, and i've kept my guard up since. it's so important to surround yourself with people who raise you up and bring out the best version of yourself.

5. get more involved. i was a student body officer in junior high, and absolutely loved being in the loop on events and clubs. i always wanted to continue that into high school, but at some point i lost the desire to be involved in school at all. i still get a tiny bit jealous when i flip through a yearbook and see people involved in numerous clubs and groups. i mean, isn't that what high school is about?

6. boys, boys, boys. i really wish i dated more, and not only that, i wish i chose to surround myself with good guys! all i remember from high school is having boyfriends and drama, drama, drama. don't get a boyfriend in high school!

7. your parents know best. okay, i know i'm not the only one who was convinced their parents were trying to ruin their lives. but looking back, i realize that all their warnings and endless lectures were really just them trying to ensure that i had the best possible childhood. as i've gotten older, there are so many time i think back at my teens and think "i can't wait to tell my children not to do that". i now realize that's what my parents were doing for me- trying to stop me from repeating their mistakes. wisdom is gold, people.

8. slippers are not shoes. yep, i'll shamefully admit it. about fifty percent of my senior year was spent wearing slippers to school. #regrets

9. be yourself. high school is really just a maze of hallways filled with people trying to find themselves. how they want to dress, what group they want to fall in, and who they want to be. i was always so eager to fit in with the "cool kids", that i forgot to be myself and let people see the real me. i wish i stayed true to myself and my religious standards.

honestly, i will always have a bittersweet outlook on my high school years. while there are many, many things that i wish i could go back and change, there are some valuable lessons that i wouldn't change for the world. i learned a lot about myself walking through those halls, and i like to think that part of who i am today is because of it.

cheers to high school!

and without further adieu, a few pictures from those magical, magical years....
 what's senior year without embarrasing mirror shots with your friends? also, that phone, though.

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