Friday, September 9, 2016

hawaii, day five

tuesday started with something that i've wanted to do forever- swim with dolphins!!
it was a slightly overcast day, and having to climb into the chilly water sure didn't help, but it was so much fun and dolphins are definitely one of my favorite animals now. i guess i didn't technically get to "swim" with the dolphins per say, but i did get to dance with one, kiss it's cheeks, and kiss it on the lips... so i think i'm the true winner here.
(yes, my arm WAS that sunburnt)
we tried to cleverly step around paying for the ridiculously overpriced photos that the photographers take during the excursion, so instead we paid for kendrick to be an "observer", hoping he could snap some pics on our camera. however, sea life park is two steps ahead of us, and made sure that all bystanders were at a good enough distance from the dolphin to ensure terrible, terrible photos. so, in the end, sea life park won, and we purchased one of their photos to commemorate the experience. (although, i must admit, it's a pretty great photo) well played, sea life park, well played.
this is the beautiful view from the park.
after my dolphin adventure, we
decided to stick around a bit longer and take advantage of all that the park had to offer. we were just in time for a seal and sea lion show, which was just about one of the cutest things i've ever seen (how do you make a dog even cuter? easy, add fins on him and make him a seal lion)

kamiya met up with us afterward, and we took a short drive over to the makapu‘u point lighthouse trail, which was a gorgeous hike that lead to, you guessed it, a lighthouse.

this hike ended up being a lot longer, steeper, and harder than we anticipated, but the entire trip provided fantastic views of the ocean (infact, the entire trail wrapped around a mountain, giving you a panoramic view of the deep blue ocean at all times).
after our hike, we grabbed a quick lunch of burgers and fries, and then headed out to the chinese temple. this was hands down one of the coolest places i have ever been! the entire place was covered in fog, giving it an eerie feel. also, it was completely silent, which added to the effect.
that night, we headed out to waimea bay for a bit, and treated ourselves to some shaved ice cream. it was a jam-packed, very successful day.

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