Tuesday, September 6, 2016

hawaii, day one


and just like that, our ten day hawaiian paradise is over. however, now's the fun part- recapping all of the amazing things we got to do and see (because there was a lot, a lot!) i'll be doing one post for each day... mainly because there will be so many pictures in each one. #pictureoverload

for starters, i have to rewind back to about three days before we left. i'm pretty sure someone out there was trying to keep us from going because i was hit with a super awful and painful uti (we were actually in the temple when it hit, and we had to rush out mid-session and get to the instacare because of the pain). then the next day, kendrick was hit with the flu... which then transferred over to me. we were both literally throwing up and practically in a coma the day before we left (it's safe to say that at that point, neither of us cared if we even went!) we slept at my parents that night (so that they could get us to the airport in the morning), and my dad and a neighbor gave us both a blessing. needless to say, we woke up at four am the next morning, both feeling happy, healthy, and ready to go!
all security lines and flights went smoothly, and we were in hawaii by two pm. it was so surreal being back there again! i don't know what it is about that place, but something is just different. like, even the air just smells and feels different and everywhere you turn is completely picturesque. it truly is paradise.

we picked up our rental car, freshened up a bit at the kamiya's house (aaron's nice family that would be taking us in for the next week and a half), and then headed out for some dinner with brandon, aaron, and a friend of theirs. we ended up getting sushi and taking it over to this place called "china walls", which was this huge rock that overlooked the ocean. the waves were super high and would crash up against the rocks edge, and some people even jumped in for a swim (i'm to big of a scardy cat and can only imagine my body getting tossed around by the waves and getting slammed into the rock wall... no thank you). we ended up staying for an hour or so, enjoying the scenery and the beautiful sunset.
 it was a perfect first night to the perfect trip.

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